
Measures of AS severity obtained by Doppler-echocardiography: not recommended for clinical use in patients with AS. SWL, stroke work loss; ΔP, mean transvalvular systolic pressure gradient; SBP, systolic blood pressure; Pdistal, pressure at the ascending aorta; Pvc, pressure at the vena contracta; AVA, continuity-equation-derived aortic valve area; v, velocity of AS jet; AA, size of the ascending aorta; ELI, energy-loss coefficient; BSA, body-surface area; AVR, aortic valve resistance; Q, mean systolic transvalvular flow-rate; AVAproj, projected aortic valve area; AVArest, AVA at rest; VC, valve compliance derived as the slope of regression line fitted to the AVA versus Q plot; Qrest, flow at rest; DSE, dobutamine stress echocardiography.